Brighter future, by specialized research.


Respiratory system

WLHF-003(LHF618®) is new herbal material that can help respiratory diseases
caused by environmental harmful factors such as PM10 or PM2.5.

WHO present the air quality guideline including PM10 and PM2.5, and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
under the WHO assign the Particulate matter to Group 1 which is identified as a carcinogen in 2013.
List of carcinogen classifications by IARC
국제암연구소(IARC)에 따른 발암물질 분류
Class Explanation Examples
GROUP 1 Carcinogenic to humans benzene, Particulate matter, asbestos
GROUP 2A Probably carcinogenic to humans DDT, inorganic lead compound
GROUP 2B Possibly carcinogenic to humans gasoline, cobalt
GROUP 3 Carcinogenicity not classifiable phenol, toluene
GROUP 4 Probably not carcinogenic caprolacatam
7 million patients with allergic rhinitis in Korea
Environmental disease number

Environmental disease number is increasing. Especially,
allergic rhinitis increase rapidly, but atopic dermatitis
and asthma do not increase

Efficacy evaluation of WLHF-003(LHF618®)
WLHF-003 (LHF618) inhibits the release of inflammatory mediators to improve nasal conditions due to immune hypersensitivity reactions such as nasal itching,
nasal congestion, sneezing, and water-borne runny nose.
WLHF-003(LHF618®) suppress the inflammation effectively via inhibit both COX-2 and 5-LOX pathways.